The Dumps APG graffiti

Painted some new graffiti artwork inside the dumps adventure playgrounds main hall, computer room and creative arts room also painted a new outdoor sign transforming the youth space making it more inviting and up lifiting for all to enjoy.

Amazon treasure truck graffiti

I was part of Amazon treasure truck event in Birmingham painting live for ultimate ears boom speakers. On the day there was artist customising Boom speakers for the public.

Summer van graffiti

Painted this large van for megabooth the theme was summer vibes with tropical flavours. so we mixed paradise flowers with flamingos, ice creams, lollies, fruit slices a pineapple and jungle leaves.

Neds Noodles Old Street

Painted the shutters of Neds Noodles bar in Old Street London on a early Sunday morning all finished ready to be opened at 1pm.