holy trinity school mural

Over the summer holidays i painted the school playground for holy trinity primary school. The artwork was painted over a very old and flaked mural revitalising the space with a jungle theme with the schools 6 values Kind, Respectful, Honest, Resilient, Ambitious and forgiving.

Prince of Wales beer garden

AeroArts transformed the Prince of Wales public house beer garden area with a tropical graffiti garden theme design. Focal points include a very large water full, parrot, leopard, jungle leaves and warm vibrant colours.

Prince of wales roof top garden mural

Prince of Wales public house in Brixton invited me down to paint their roof top garden with a tropical paradise theme. With toucans, jungle leaves and flowers.

Garden graffiti mural

I was asked to create this garden mural transforming the space into a more inviting place to enjoy, the theme to the mural is Bees as they have a honey Bee nest underground.

Garden Wall Graffiti Mural

I was asked if it was possible to paint a garden wall graffiti mural with a picturesque view of the countryside overlooking London with birds insects and flowers. here are images of how the wall developed. close up images of the Blue tit, Green Woodpecker and butterfly. Finished garden wall.