octopus graffiti mural

Liquid Leisure artwork

Painted down atLiquid Leisure water park transforming the wooden ship-lack boarded out buildings with a tropical beach, octopus wet-suit room, flames sauna room and sunset burger van.

AeroArts graffiti mural artist

Urban Art 2016

i was invited down to Urban Art 2016 weekend to be apart of live graffiti area organised by Mrcenz after the event all the graffiti artwork was displayed down on Windrush Square in Brixton for 2 weeks. For my piece i switched my letters to say orea which means Beautiful in Greek here is my […]

brixton graffiti wall aero

Somerlayton Rd Brixton Graffiti Wall

The team got together just after the new year and re-painted Somerlayton Rd in Brixton. On a very cold day in January five artist (Aero, Mrcenz, tizer one ID, Snoe one TRP and Solo one from Watch this space) all painted on the wall with only a bubble gum pink background colour and no real […]