AeroArts graffiti mural artist

Sydenham Adventure Playground

Over the course of 4 days spread over three weeks Aero gave up his free time to paint this enchanted themed mural  at HomePark Aadventure Playground.

The buildings entrance was looking in a bad way with flaking paint and visible repairs on show, with the space in need of colour and life to make the entrance more welcoming for it’s young users.

Preparation work began the start of April removing old paint making brickwork and wood areas sound and ready for a base colour to be applied marked out the design worked on the background trees and shutter and finally painted the mushrooms and animals.

Aero London Graffiti Mural Artist

HomePark Adventure Playground Mural

The back board’s at Homepark adventure playground mural in Sydenham got painted with a graffiti inspired wildlife theme.

The wall was original built over 10 years ago but due to new building rules for Lewisham adventure playgrounds the site was left empty for 8 years,  the reason being that all new adventure playgrounds had to be built to strict and planning guidelines after along wait HPAP finally got rebuilt but not long after reopening it suffered a major set back when the playground was attacked in the London riots of 2011 with 60% of the wooden structure destroyed by fire, but the staff and young people of Homepark with lottery funding rebuilt the playground for a second time.

below are the photos of the wall painted in the summer of 2014.

aeroarts animalgraff animalgraff graffiti mural artist

New Leaf botanical Garden Day

Down the embankment of West Dulwich train station you can find a botanical garden project created and managed by New leaf which offers education, training and employment for young people by building educational gardens.

New Leaf’s founder – botanist and plant historian – Vinnie acts as a mentor to the young people they train. Helping them start careers as gardeners, tree surgeons, construction workers and more.


New Leaf is a hub for people in Dulwich, with friends dropping by at all time for agricultural advice, to volunteer a shift in the book shop (donated books raising funds for future projects) or just for a chat.

The botanical garden is to be used as a teaching resource for local schools and other community members and tells the story depicting the evolution of flowering plants through time and of their uses through history.

New leaf also encourages and works with local artists getting them involved with hand-painted signs and notice boards for the garden and painting murals.

The amazing  “Wild Wall” and “Heroes Wall” murals where both painted by Local Artist BURNZ over the course of the

this is where i got involved with the project a few days before there big opening weekend event on  31st May and 1st June 2014 there garden walls, shop shutter and murals was damaged with tags hindering all the hardwork the New Leaf team have done over the past few years. I see photos of the damage and offered to help by painting the shop shutter and to see if i could repair the murals for there New Leaf Botanical Garden Day.

new-leaf-001Botanical Landscape Shutter

The weekend was a great success with local family’s, residents and friends all getting involved and “digging in” helping to move heavy materials, clear planting areas, paint bird/bat boxes and planting.

New Leaf’s president Hue Edwards (BBC journalist / broadcaster) came down and gave a great speech of encouragement highlighting the work they do with young people and bringing local communities together and to  spread the word that new leaf will be expanding and growing like there gardens over the following months and years.

new-leaf-009 Vinnie, Helen, Bruno, Teresa and Hue new-leaf-005The team by the repaired murals.

To find out more about New Leaf and what they do visit:
New Leaf Site
FaceBook Page

aeroarts animalgraff animalgraff graffiti mural artist

Leegate Christmas Fair Mural

Lee Green Community Centre (Lee Green Lives) was looking for a local graffiti artist to help them create a large community friendly mural on a 90ft long disused store front in the middle of the precinct in Leegate centre to coincide with there Christmas fare.

battling in the cold and the stormy wet weather we managed to get the mural completed in 4 days which was a big achievement by all.

on the day of the Christmas fare the community got involved in helping complete the artwork with great feedback from local residents and traders giving praise on how the mural makes a huge difference to the centre.

Aero London Graffiti Mural Artist

Reeves Corner Shutters Mural

bringing to life the shutters opposite reeves corner that was fire damaged in the riots of 2011.

artwork is of the history of Croydon old town and what the landscape was like before the 21st century with local wildlife and rivers Wandle and Bourne being the major artery’s to the area’s early settlements including the parish church and Croydon palace.

Artists Aero and Cenz from Positivearts created the artwork below, working with young people from the  Heathly Living Team (Croydon YOS) .