Aero London Graffiti Mural Artist

HomePark Adventure Playground Mural

The back board’s at Homepark adventure playground mural in Sydenham got painted with a graffiti inspired wildlife theme.

The wall was original built over 10 years ago but due to new building rules for Lewisham adventure playgrounds the site was left empty for 8 years,  the reason being that all new adventure playgrounds had to be built to strict and planning guidelines after along wait HPAP finally got rebuilt but not long after reopening it suffered a major set back when the playground was attacked in the London riots of 2011 with 60% of the wooden structure destroyed by fire, but the staff and young people of Homepark with lottery funding rebuilt the playground for a second time.

below are the photos of the wall painted in the summer of 2014.

aero animalgraff graffiti mural

Aero Paints Croydon’s Arts Quarter

Aero paints Croydon’s Art Quarter, Due to the recent damage to the femme fierce jam on St Georges walk the other weekend a quick response was needed with a few phone calls and emails on Monday, several artist’s met up on the Tuesday morning mr cenz, tizer, love pusher, bonzai, twesh, sky-high and Aero to paint Croydon’s Art Quarter organised by Kevin Zuchowski-Morrison at Rise Gallery.

We painted some nice walls over 2 days.

aeroarts graffiti mural workshop

East London graffiti Painting

The other month I painted a piece in Camden market courtesy of The Real Art of Street Art it was the first of the year on a cold wet January day. I kept this one quick and simple finishing just in time for a photo.


Here is another piece I painted last month near Hoxton east London.


aeroarts animalgraff graffiti mural artist

London Air Ambulance Sucata Run

i was approached by the charity London Air Ambulance a couple months back to see if i was willing to paint a fundraising promotional car for a banger rally event that they where organising across Europe starting in the uk and traveling through France Spain and finishing in Portugal.

What are you waiting for? Pull together your mates to form a team, buy a clapped out old banger for under £250 and put your personal touch on it – think novelty themes, paint jobs and fancy dress. Then head for the start line and the summer holiday you’ll never forget.
visit to register and find out more…

keep a look out around London and surrounding county’s to see if you can spot the Sucuta rallies car.