Commercial Artwork

AeroArts get enquiries for all different types of artwork and have painted lots of different surfaces / objects over the years from pub tables to taxi cabs. We have been creating amazing bespoke projects and are always interested in new artistic challenges to take on. Below are some options of popular projects we get asked to paint.

Outside Spaces

Ideal project for - Recreational Spaces - Hospitality Venues - Schools - Nurseries

Outdoor Mural Requirements:

  • Some large murals require more then one artist.
  • Materials costs will need to be individually calculated for each project.
  • A site risk assessment may need to take place.
  • The mural theme or direction for design research.
  • Preparation of the wall space may be needed.
  • Size of the designated mural space.
  • Send photos of the space to be painted.
  • A project time frame is planned before painting starts.

When you contact us we will ask the above questions for us to be able to put together a costings proposal.


The Mural Space

Large scale projects need a site visit.

Ideas Direction for the project .
Create & Paint
Design Brief A image mood board is created.

Inside Spaces

Ideal project for - Shops - Offices - Gyms

Indoor Artwork Requirements:

  • Some indoor murals require more then one day to complete.
  • Materials costs will need to be individually calculated for each project.
  • A site risk assessment may need to take place.
  • Artwork theme or direction for design research.
  • Preparation of the wall space maybe needed .
  • A project time frame is planned before painting starts.
  • Send photos of the space to be painted.

When you contact us we will need a photo of the space and theme to be able to put together a costings proposal.

Project Plan Some inside projects need a site visit.
Ideas Direction for the project .
Create & Paint
Design Brief A image mood board is created.

Vehicles & Transport

Ideal project for - Work Vans - Advertising - Promotions - Branding

Artwork Requirements:

  • Large vehicles take more then one day to complete.
  • Materials costs will need to be individually calculated for each project.
  • Artwork theme or direction for design research.
  • A suitable space to paint the vehicle.
  • Preparation of the vehicle maybe needed.
  • A project time frame is planned before painting starts.
  • Send photos of the vehicle to be painted.


When you contact us we will need a photo of the space and theme to be able to put together a costings proposal.


small van.

Project Duration
10 Hours Most vehicles can be painted in 2 days.
Vehicle design A image mood board is created.